Renewing energy from within

Restore your energy for the New Year on Sun Jan 6, 2-4 pm, at the Stress Management Center, 1165 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur.

With President Obama speaking again of climate change, and Congress discussing, however tentatively, a carbon tax, we have a golden opportunity to shift the direction of our country toward real sustainability. This opportunity means work at every level of society, from checking our home energy usage to developing renewable forms of energy to sequestering carbon in living systems of field and forest.

How do we renew our own energy as we imagine, plan, and implement these earth-saving actions?  Yoga techniques of self-massage, mindful movement, and conscious breathing can renew your life energy and revitalize your mind day after day.

Join us for a hands-on workshop, Renewing Energy from Within, to set the pace for a New Year full of resilience, optimism, and grace.  The Stress Management Center is on Magnolia Avenue near the College of Marin.  Cost: $20. No charge for Green Sangha members (annual membership $25 available at the door)

Advance registration is strongly recommended.  Call Elizabeth Little (510) 532-6574 or write To join Green Sangha or to renew your membership, go to and click on the Donate tab.

“This is a gift to yourself.  Leaders feel such heavy burdens with so much to accomplish and with such little time and money to do vital work. Mindfulness for leaders helps us go to our strong and calm center and let go of the burden.  It nourishes the soul and frees the spirit.”

– Maureen Parton, County Supervisor’s aide



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About Stuart Moody

Stuart Moody is Board President of Green Sangha. He received a B.S. in Conservation of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley, and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology at USF. Stuart was Green Schoolyard Coordinator at Davidson Middle School in San Rafael and directs Green Sangha’s Rethinking Plastics campaign. From 1993 to 2012, Stuart taught dance and co-directed teacher training for Young Imaginations, an arts education agency based in San Rafael. He has taught yoga and meditation to thousands in the Bay Area, including 10 years at San Quentin State Prison. Recently moved to Tucson, he just completed a graduate certificate program in “Connecting Environmental Science and Decision Making” at the University of Arizona.