“Just as we need to keep our bodies healthy and pure as we seek enlightenment, while we dwell on this planet we have a duty to cherish and protect it.” – Thich Nhat Hanh, The World We Have (2008).
Teachers of meditation have long promoted mindful living for mental development, physical health, and more harmonious social relations. Mindful living extends even further, though, into the realm of lifestyle choices, business decisions, and government policies. All of these have a profound effect on our communities and our collective body, the earth.
With atmospheric CO2 levels still climbing, we need dharma teachers to join actively in the movement for climate protection, through their teaching and through their organizations. This spring, we joined James Baraz in calling on all meditation leaders to teach on climate protection as a vital part of mindful living. Members signed a petition on the website of Oxford Gaia House Retreats, organized by a number of Sangha members. Then, in early June, Spirit Rock hosted a gathering of teachers who discussed this call with James, Jack Kornfield, and other Spirit Rock leaders.
Climate protection is the immediate and personal requirement of every one of us, and it cannot wait any longer. While dharma teachers begin to take up the issue with the same seriousness that they give to regular meditation practice, let your voice continue to be heard, in conversations with neighbors, before elected officials, and at your place of work.
Let your actions seen! Sign up for Green Sangha’s Sustainable Living Training with Linda Currie, to become a Climate Leader yourself! Call (510) 532-6574 or write info@greensangha.org.