Monthly Archives: December 2013

Arbor Day – Sun Feb 15, 2015

Giver of shadeTrees give shade, give fruit, give beauty, give life.  National Arbor Day is a traditional way to celebrate the many gifts of trees – shelter, beauty, clean air, soil conservation, habitat for wild animals, and the great cooling effects of shade and consumption of CO2.

Signs of climate change – melting ice caps, rising sea levels, the increasing number of severe weather events – only make our love of trees more intense.  Across the country, tree-lovers celebrate Arbor Day according to the local climate.  Nebraska, home of the National Arbor Day Foundation, celebrates on the last Friday of April.  On the Pacific Coast, though, we are preparing beds for summer vegetables as early as February.

Join us at Green Gulch Zen Center and Organic Farm for a gathering of earth stewards to plant native woody shrubs and grasses on Sunday, February 15, 2015.

12:00  Lunch (organic, largely farm-grown, vegetarian, and delicious)
1:00   Green Sangha conversation
2:00   Ceremony and Tree planting
4:30   Refreshments
5:00   Meditation in the Zendo
6:00   Homeward

Bring layers for changeable weather, hat and other sun protection, long pants and boots or other strong shoes, gardening gloves if you have (extras on hand), water bottle if you wish (no throw-away plastic bottles!). To reserve your spot, call (510) 532-6574 or write

Mindfulness retreat Dec 21

Sustainability means living in such a way that future generations may enjoy the same abundance, beauty, and opportunities that we enjoy today.  To be a sustainable activist means to take care of yourself as lovingly as you care for the earth.

Sat Dec 21, 10 am – 1 pm.  Join us for an experiential workshop — Sustainability from Within — exploring principles and practices of tension release, renewal, and revitalization of mind and body

Upward reach & smileProgram
10 am.  Opening circle & Yoga stretches (led by Libby Sherwood)
10:15. Meditation (led by Grace Severtson)
10:40. Introductions
10:45. Self-renewal through movement, energy massage, and pure awareness (with Stuart Moody, MA)
12:10. Announcements
12:20. Potluck refreshments (avoiding plastic as possible!)
12:45. Clean-up & closing circle
1:00. Adjourn

We will have a simple exchange:  bring a greeting card or something from the natural world (e.g., a pine cone, special stone, flower, whatever might please you to share). 

Location & directions.  Edgehill Mansion, on Magnolia Avenue in Dominican University.  We meet upstairs, entering from the east side of the mansion.  On this map of Dominican, the Mansion is under the upper right corner.  From 101:  exit Central San Rafael. If coming from the N, turn L on Mission; if from the S, turn R on 2nd.  In either case, proceed one block & turn L onto Grand Ave.  Proceed to Acacia, which T’s onto Grand.  R on Acacia.  Acacia merges into Magnolia; veer slightly R onto Magnolia.  At T go straight ahead through driveway with large stone pillars on either side.  You have arrived; parking lot to L.  Join us in the Sienna Room upstairs on second floor to the R.

Donation.  Free-will donations support our programs of mindful action and cover the cost of rental.

For more information:  write or call (510) 532-6574.

Past participants comment:
“What you taught us sunk in, in ways I’m still discovering.” – IM, certified public accountant

“Each tool/meditation in the workshop helped to calm my thoughts. I especially enjoyed the silent walk and the space it helped to open inside of me. Tools which empty my mind and allow respite from troubles and nagging to-do lists are so precious. I will use these meditations and practices as I journey and build sustainability within.” – RG, city councilmember

“This workshop helped me to let go of all the things that interfere and to soften the boundaries between myself & the rest of the world . . . Marin County will be a better place for everyone if we can follow your guidance and let the benefits flow through in our leadership.” – ME, conservation director

Allison & RebeccaTaking good care of ourselves is part of taking good care of the earth.  Refreshed and revived, we are ready for the work that lies ahead as we restore balance in the world.