Thursday evening workshops, May 3, 17, & 31
Are you tired of seeing plastic junk leaving stores and going straight to the garbage can or, worse still, to the gutter? Have you been imagining how much cleaner and healthier our world would be if producers were required to take back products that have reached the end of our useful lives?
Green Sangha’s Rethinking Plastics campaign has been inspiring shoppers, business owners, heads of school, and civic policy makers for six years to reduce their plastic footprint. Our initiatives have included the Fairfax plastic bag ban, waste reduction at the Marin County Fair, elimination of plastic produce bags from Bay Area markets, and the BYOBag campaign in Marin. Join us in the next phase of our campaign as we take on Extended Producer Responsibility, Getting Off the Bottle, and ending take-out foam foodware.
Since 2006, Green Sangha has made nearly 300 presentations to over 8000 students, community leaders, and eco-activists on the costs of plastic addiction and the path to sustainability.

You can take part in this campaign, whether as a volunteer at tables, a speaker at social clubs and city council meetings, or a member of our strategy team. To support your informed engagement, this spring we are offering Rethinking Plastics Training, beginning with a presentation by Heidi Sanborn, co-founder and Executive Director of the California Product Stewardship Council, on Thursday, April 19, 7-9 pm, at the Kreps Center, Redwood High School, 395 Doherty Drive, Larkspur.
In 1905, Heidi says, 7% of New York City’s waste consisted of manufactured items. In 1960, these items grew to 62% of US trash. By 2009, they reached 71%. Consider just one small piece of that waste stream: over 340,000 cell phones thrown away every day in the US. This is a recipe for disaster.

The recipe for sustainability? Education, awareness, and action. To increase your awareness and develop your capabilities for decisive action, Rethinking Plastics Training will follow Heidi’s talk with three Thursday evening workshops, May 3, 17, & 31, also 7-9 pm, in San Rafael.
Cost of the training is $100 ($80 for Green Sangha members; $40 for prior Rethinking Plastics attendees). Following these sessions, participants may make short presentations on plastics to an in-house group. All successful presenters will be invited to speak on behalf of Green Sangha, with a small stipend for each talk given in the community.
To register or for more information, contact our Program Director Elizabeth Little, or (510) 532-6574.