Join us at our annual Mother’s Day celebration, showing our love for Mother Earth. Sukey Parmelee, site manager, writes:
The earth of this valley is now saturated with water from the heavens. Each rain drop brings a little bit of nourishment along with it – dissolved nitrogen, picked up via the electrical activity in the clouds. The resulting rich, vibrant greens of the leaves fill us with joy and well being.
It’s time to get down to the meander again, to our restoration site at the end of the farm. We will have a chance to look at the health of the trees and shrubs we planted in 2014-15 and see how the creek has changed.
Possible projects
- It would be wonderful to pull the weeds at the bases of the alder trees we planted in 2014. The trees are doing so well.
- Velvet grass is running amok in one section nearby. If we can slow it down, then the native potentilla will be stronger and grow better.
- Cape Ivy detail: Come meet our favorite weed, with the beautiful magenta roots, and carefully remove every delicate rootlet to prevent its return.
- There are always other tasks to do. Be sure to let Sukey know whether you want light or heavy work, or anything in between.
12:00 Arrive at Visitors’ Parking Lot. (RSVP to carpool; the lot often fills)
12:15 Lunch in the dining hall. Come down the road and follow your nose and intuition, or just ask someone you meet.
1:00 Meet at the stop sign back up on the road above the dining hall. Introductions and delegation of duties.
1:15 Into the green for loving labor.
3:30 Tea and muffins up on the tool deck.
4:00 (Or so . . .) Green Sangha conversation and/or walk
5:00 To Zendo for meditation
5:45 End meditation, prepare for departure
RSVP to reserve your place:
If there are any heavens my mother will(all by herself)have
— ee cummings