Teacher bio – Debra McKnight Higgins, MBA

In we go

Debra leads a yoga break at Plastics 360, March 17, 2012

I grew up in a small town in northeastern Indiana. I have wonderful memories of the beautiful autumn season and Girl Scout adventures in nature year-round. We were able to sled in our backyard, ice skate on frozen lakes and explore the woods and creeks on our own from a young age. I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area after college, and today I enjoy downhill skiing, swimming in mountain lakes, hiking as often as possible, and my new passion, stand-up paddle boarding. I have practiced and taught yoga for over 20 years, and my real “roots” are grounded in my spiritual practice.

What Got Me Going in Conservation
Although I always loved nature, I became inspired to action when pregnant with our first child. It was an overnight awakening for my husband and me.  We switched to organic foods, started recycling, and began educating ourselves about water quality and toxins in the air and earth.

DSCF0701How I met Green Sangha
I reconnected with Stuart Moody at a “Rethinking Plastics” presentation, and knew that I had found a home in Green Sangha. I resonated with the compassionate approach of the organization’s work, grounded and inspired by mindful practices.

What I like about Green Sangha
I love the mission and the principles speak to me on a soul-level. I am learning that there is no “other” to fight against, and how to meet injustice without anger. I live with the question of what is authentic, loving and appropriate action, with Green Sangha supporting me in my work to promote the greater flow of good for all people and the planet.

What’s got me excited
Rethinking Plastics introduced me to Green Sangha and I will always be enthusiastic about educating and inspiring people to reduce single-use plastic consumption. I also look forward to helping expand the Mindful Leadership Training program, and building Green Sangha membership.