Wisdom in the face of global warming

TetonsCome this Saturday, Nov 1, to a day-long workshop in Berkeley on “Global Warming and Citadel Wisdom.”  Sanjen Miedzinski, PhD, will lead participants in a didactic-experiential process:  giving an overview of what is happening, describing the forces that have created this dilemma, and outlining possibilities for change. Talks will be grounded in deep personal inquiries into your relationship to the planet we inhabit, and the qualities of compassion, strength, steadfastness, and power needed to rise to this challenge.

Sanjen is a member of Green Sangha, a former biochemist, and retired professor of psychology.  As a leader in the Ridhwan community (teaching the Diamond Approach), she is making the vital connection between their principles of Citadel Wisdom — right action, right livelihood, right relationship — and the urgent call from mother Earth to end the era of exploitation and pollution. The Diamond Approach involves extensive, fearless self-inquiry to facilitate a life of wise living.  This workshop is open to spiritual practitioners from all traditions.

Day:  Sat Nov 1, 2014
Time: 10 am – 6 pm
Place: Ridhwan Center, 2075 Eunice Street, Berkeley 94709 (downstairs sanctuary)
Registration: Contact Sanjen at sanjen@att.net or call 510-524-1633. The workshop will be offered at no cost, but registration is required.

REGISTRATION FORM for Global Warming and Citadel Wisdom workshop 
11/1/2014, 10-6,  Ridhwan Center, 2075 Eunice Street, Berkeley, CA 94709, downstairs Sanctuary

(Please feel free to say everything you’d like in response to these questions.  The space between questions is not an indication of the length of your response.)

Are you a member of the Ridhwan community (either student or teacher)?  If so, what group are you part of?
If you are not in a Diamond Approach Group, are you open to doing exercises that ask you to inquire deeply into your immediate state and to share that with others?

 What especially interests you about this workshop?

What are you hoping it will cover?

What has been your involvement so far in environmental, social justice, or economic justice actions/organizations?

Do you have a friend or family who  would like to come to this workshop?  If so, how many?

Would they feel comfortable doing inquiry with a group?  If so, you can forward this information to them and ask them to email me directly.

Bring a Bag Lunch.  We will be eating in discussion groups at lunchtime.

Polar bear smilesThe concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached 400 parts per million, dangerously higher than the 350 ppm which is considered the highest safe level to keep our climate in livable balance.  Every major scientific study predicts that unless we radically cut back on burning fossil fuels, we face catastrophic climate change within the next 10–20 years. In other words, in your and your children’s lifetime.

We can do something as a community to avert this danger. Come together with like-minded lovers of life to gain power for wise and effective response this Saturday from 10 to 6.

Download a PDF flyer