Celebrate the Summer

“Saying our prayers with our hands in the earth” – 5th Annual Gratitude Gathering

Come Saturday, July 28, 1:00 to 4:30 pm, to the home of  Mary & Trathen Heckman, Green Sangha Advisory Council member.  The program begins with a couple of hours of service in the Heckmans’ permaculture paradise, a model home and garden.   We will then gather for meditation, a garden talk by Trathen, volunteer recognition, and potluck refreshments.

Trathen at home in his garden

This will be a special opportunity to wish Stuart Moody all success as he moves to Tucson in August.  Stuart will continue his Green Sangha work there, teaching sustainability from within and developing training programs to share with us and other parts of the nation.

Enjoy an afternoon of fresh air, fellowship, and fun.  Bring a broad-brimmed hat and other sun protection, your own reusable water bottle and/or mug, your favorite garden tools, and a little something to share for the potluck.

To reserve your place and for directions, call (510) 532-6574 or write info@greensangha.org.

Also upcoming
Mindful Activism and Communication.  Sunday, July 29, 2-5 pm.  Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley.  Practical tools include:   * Five parts to a short speech to inform and inspire * The Magic Formula  * Leading by listening * Using curiosity to build friendship and understanding *  Summarizing for results.  Presented by Stuart Moody, M.A.  Suggested donation:  $10-20.  Green Sangha members free.

Stuart on Market Street, Moving Planet Day 2011

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About Stuart Moody

Stuart Moody is Board President of Green Sangha. He received a B.S. in Conservation of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley, and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology at USF. Stuart was Green Schoolyard Coordinator at Davidson Middle School in San Rafael and directs Green Sangha’s Rethinking Plastics campaign. From 1993 to 2012, Stuart taught dance and co-directed teacher training for Young Imaginations, an arts education agency based in San Rafael. He has taught yoga and meditation to thousands in the Bay Area, including 10 years at San Quentin State Prison. Recently moved to Tucson, he just completed a graduate certificate program in “Connecting Environmental Science and Decision Making” at the University of Arizona.